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Audio teachings of the Word of Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior of Man.  Teachings and preaching  by Pastor Giuseppe Ramacieri and other messengers of God.
The Spirit of Christ will accompany the word of our Biblical Confession AND FULFILL HIS WORD IN OUR MOUTHS. Healings shall come. Faith shall be increased. The promises of God shall be fulfilled as we believe and obey the Spirit and walk in love. The devil will flee from us and fear us. God's holy angels will come into action in our behalf and perform according to God's Word spoken in faith. So speak God's Word, speak it in faith, speaking it boldly, confess it, proclaim and see yourself be blessed beyond measure.
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Here are some great books wrriten by powerful evangelists and preachers like Dwight Lyman Moody, Charles Finney, John Bunyan, John Foxe, etc.
Hear experiences that people have had with Jesus, Hell, or God's eternal kingdom in heaven; whether by vision, dreams, or spiritual visitation. Receive a divine revelation of Heaven and Hell. God wants you to go to Heaven and escape the fires of Hell. This page contains: MP3 Mary Kathryn Baxter Divine Revelation of Hell, Heaven is so Real by Choo Thomas, The Final Quest MP3 and text by Rick Joyner, Bill Wiese 23 Minutes in Hell MP3, Pilgrim Progress by John Bunyan (MP3 and Text), Free Audio MP3 Bible, Jesus Christ Resources, Christian End Time Prophecy Book, information on Perdition, Temptation, Wrath and damnation, God's Messiah Yeshua. Other Topics: inferno fire, religion and spirituality encounters, Testimony of Afterlife, Death, NDE, Angels and Demons, We discuss Spiritual Warfare, Dreams and Visions.
Hear the Father's Love Letter (Free Mp3 download also available). Other material from the Father's Love Letter website: Journey Home Video and Mp3,  Dancing In Daddy's Arms (Music Video and Mp3),  Father Loves You  (Music Mp3 and Video),  and MORE.
Bible Teachings -The Teaching of the Word of God - Audio Bible Teachings
Listen to uplifting teachings of the Word of Jesus Christ, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, and be blessed, be encouraged, be enlightened and grow in the knowledge of God. Let God reveal his will to you through the preaching and teaching of his Holy Word. Let the Spirit of God reveal God's truth to you, let him guide you into all the truth. Believe God, believe his Word, seek the truth, and read the Bible for yourself, pray and ask God to give you understanding of his Word, ask God to give you wisdom, discernment, divine revelation.
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Names and Attributes of God (by Mario Elien)

THE HOLY SPIRIT (Bible Study on the Holy Spirit, His gifts, His baptism, his anointing, His works - by Chuck Smith: www.firefighters.org)

DIVINE HEALING (by Andrew Murray)
The publication of this work may be regarded as a testimony of my faith in divine
healing. After being stopped for more than two years in the exercise of my
ministry, I was healed by the mercy of God in answer to the prayer of those who
see in Him "the Lord that healeth thee" (Exodus 15:26).
This healing, granted to faith, has been the source of rich spiritual blessing to me.
I have clearly seen that the Church possesses in Jesus, our Divine Healer, an
inestimable treasure, which she does not yet know how to appreciate. I have been
convinced anew of that which the Word of God teaches us in this matter, and of
what the Lord expects of us; and I am sure that if Christians learned to realize
practically the presence of the Lord that healeth, their spiritual life would thereby
be developed and sanctified. I can therefore no longer keep silence, and I publish
here a series of meditations, with the view of showing, according to the Word of
God, that "the prayer of faith" (James 5:15) is the means appointed by God for the
cure of the sick, that this truth is in perfect accord with Holy Scripture, and that
the study of this truth is essential for everyone who would see the Lord manifest
His power and His glory in the midst of His children. -- ANDREW MURRAY

GOD'S LOVE (Bible Study on God's Love - by Chuck Smith: www.firefighters.org)

THE BOOK OF REVELATION (Bible Study of the Book of Revelation from his first to the last chapter - by Chuck Smith: www.firefighters.org)

CHARACTER STUDIES ON FAMOUS COUPLES IN BIBLE (Bible Study on Couples in the Bible (Adam and Eve, David and Bathsheeba, Mary and Joseph, Abraham and Sarah... - by Don McClure: www.firefighters.org)
THE LIVING LEGENDS OF THE BIBLE (Bible Study on famous people of the Bible like Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob, etc. - by Russel Kelfer: www.firefighters.org)

GOD'S WORD IN YOUR MOUTH (Bible Study on God's Word in Your Mouth - given in "Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast" with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland: www.kcm.org)

FULNESS IN YOUR SPIRIT, SOUL AND BODY (Bible Study given in "Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast" with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland: www.kcm.org)

WALKING IN WISDOM (Bible Study given in "Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast" with Kenneth and Gloria Copeland: www.kcm.org)

LIVING LEGENDS (Bible Study by Russel Kelfer on the men of faith of the Bible and others that God gives as examples not to follow after - www.firefighters.org)

THE BOOK OF PROVERBS (Great Bible Study of the Book of Proverbs - by Russel Kelfer www.firefighters.org)